April 26, 2023, 15:50 pm – 16:20 pm

From tile to screen to stage: viable scenographies of synchronous hybrid teaching.

Nowadays the use of synchronous hybrid teaching at universities is in high demand among students, but usually fails due to a lack of concepts, inadequately equipped rooms, and the uncertainty teachers have regarding the technologies and formats used. In addition to the high time needed to fit learning settings into these kinds of formats, teachers naturally shy away from adapting their teaching methods.
In this presentation, members of the eTeach network Thuringia and the project "Lernraum.Bauhaus" funded by the StIL, try to tackle this issue by exploring it in two steps.
Firstly, by presenting three standard hybrid "core scenarios" that can be applied to many teaching contexts,
Secondly, by introducing the "Hybride Lernatelier,” conceived at Bauhaus University Weimar and launched in the summer semester of 2023. This studio is an experimental space that investigates the architectural, technical, and design conditions that reinforce hybrid teaching scenarios useful to learning, creating a special role for the space through its function and atmosphere. The technological and design arrangements will be tested both in regular courses and in six sub-projects specifically announced for this purpose, which aim to find out in different disciplinary contexts how learning with objects can be implemented in hybrid teaching contexts.

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Spaces & Hybrid concepts


Digital 2
